December 21, 2021
Lessons Learned from a day of Personal Goal Planning
This day of personal goal setting was not mandatory, but we all decided to get together in person to do it, and I’m glad we did.
We started the day off by all reading our Vivid Visions to each other. This is an exercise that we did out of a book by Cameron Harold. The title of the book is Vivid Vision, and I highly recommend checking it out if you want to do a very detailed exercise.
These are very personal things because you are supposed to write in great detail what your life will look like in 3 years. Not a single one of us made it through without shedding some tears.
We gave each other feedback and helped clarify our Vivid Visions better after we all presented.
The second part of the day was all about presenting our personal goals.
The personal goals are designed to help us move towards the Vivid Vision we had designed 3 years from now.

These were our annual goals for 2022 and they fell into these categories.
We set 5 goals for each of these subcategories for the year.
It’s honestly a ton of goals, and it’s very hard to come up with 5 meaningful and actionable goals for each of these categories.
All in all, prep for this and the entire day with the other members put me at about 25 hours worth of time to complete.
It seems like a massive amount of time, and honestly, it felt like it as I was going through this planning process.
I can say, I feel it’s completely worth it after having left the planning meeting on Friday.
I felt a huge sense of accomplishment and clarity on exactly what I want to accomplish next year. Not only that, but I’m taking a level of planning I typically only had in my business into my personal life.
This is really important to me, and I would assume you as well. The last thing you want to do is have great success in business and be a great failure at home and with your family.
I recommend you take a crack at some personal goal setting this year as well.
It doesn’t have to be as in depth as what I went through this year but make sure to put time into thinking about what you really want to accomplish next year. Maybe it’s improving your health.
Instead of saying, get in better health this year, make it objective.
-Workout 200 times in 2022.
This number based goal is much better because you can track it specifically each month or quarter.
200 workouts in the year would be about 16-17 per month or 50 per quarter. Now you know exactly how many you need to get in during those times and it’s very trackable.
Setting goals this way makes a massive difference and helps you check in on them.

That’s the other key that I think will make a big difference for you. You have to review your goals at least on a monthly basis. You improve what you track and it’s a simple as that.
If you commit to completing a Vivid Vision, make some objective goals for next year and track them throughout 2022….you’re going to crush it.
If you’re looking to get some feedback on what you’re trying to accomplish next year from a member of our team, we’d love to chat.
I recommend jumping on a totally free, quick 20 minute call with our team.
You’ll talk to a real person, and they will give you customized guidance on your next skills or steps to take to gain momentum in your business.
We don’t sell anything on this call and you literally couldn’t buy something from us if you wanted to in this call.
We just know we can help and we want to prove it to you for free.
Choose a time that works for you.
It’s time to start making some serious progress in your business/life.
P.S. If you have a practice, check out our friends at PtEverywhere. We switched to their software to run our cash practice and it’s been a game changer!