February 8, 2022
How to deal with business rejection
I don’t know anyone that hasn’t been rejected in some capacity.
Maybe you didn’t make that team you tried out for.
Maybe you got denied by that PT school you really wanted to get into.
Maybe that girl/guy you really wanted to date shot you down.
Rejection is uncomfortable but a normal part of life.
If you decide to go into business for yourself, you’ll be dealing with rejection on a whole new level.
I had a few questions today on my weekly Clinical Rainmaker coaching call that had to do with rejection.
Two providers that are in our coaching program asked me about dealing with another business owner that didn’t want to work with them.
These are both newer business owners and they both felt personally offended and frustrated that these other business owners didn’t want to work with them.
I’ve been there and have been equally frustrated by these situations.

You feel like you finally got a chance to talk to or meet someone that could really help your business and…..you bomb.
It’s a special kind of rejection we all have to go through in order to build a successful business.
Honestly, this is one of the reasons I have so much respect for people willing to become entrepreneurs. It’s not a matter of if you’re going to get rejected, it’s just a matter of if you can deal with rejection well enough to keep going.
If you’ve been in business for a while, I’m guessing you’ve got thicker skin because of it.
I want to share what’s helped me because I think rejection and the fear of rejection are some of the biggest obstacles we have to overcome if we want successful businesses.
There are two things I focus on when it comes to rejection in business.
Number 1- Focusing on the future vision I’m trying to work towards over the next few years.
Knowing exactly what you want your business/life to look like over the next few years is very important. It helps you make the right decisions and say no to the wrong things.
This also helps you deal with set backs. Some of those set backs will be rejection from other business owners or people you’re looking to hire.
If you focus on the bigger picture and vision, these bumps in the road you hit will seem much more insignificant and create far less stress for you.
Reviewing your vision every morning is the best way to make sure you’re focusing on this future reality you’re trying to create.
Swap out reading your vision in place of scrolling through Instagram every morning and it will change your life.
Number 2- Focus on what you can control.
This is Stoicism 101. There’s a reason why we send a copy of the Daily Stoic to every new Mastermind member we work with. Understanding and applying just this one concept can make a huge difference in your life as an entrepreneur.
We can’t make other people like us. In fact, the harder we try to get someone to like us, the more likely it is that they will dislike us.
All you can control is how you respond and the way you interact with people.
Slow yourself down with new connections. Don’t try to rush relationships and that will help tremendously in the long run.
If someone doesn’t want to work with you, partner with you or join your team, it’s fine.
We can spend hours or days fixated on trying to figure out exactly what caused this person to not want to work with us.
A better use of our time would be spending hours or days working on improving things in our business we can control.
Time is scarce. Don’t waste it worrying about things you cannot control.
Now, this is easy to read but hard to put into practice.
You need to be tested. Remember, next time you find yourself in a situation where things aren’t working out for you, focus on your vision and on what you can control.
Also, don’t let your bad day turn into your family’s bad night.
Too often, we let negative interactions at work lead to negative interactions at home with the people we are closest to.
Your spouse and your kids do not deserve to be on the receiving end of your frustration.
I’ve been guilty of this more times than I would like to admit.
I honestly hope this helps because if you can improve this area in business, it will spill over in a very positive way into your personal life.
You’ll talk to a real person, and they will give you customized guidance on your next skills or steps to take to gain momentum in your business.
We don’t sell anything on this call, and you literally couldn’t buy something from us if you wanted to in this call.
We just know we can help, and we want to prove it to you for free.
Schedule a time that works for you.
It’s time to start making some serious progress in your business/life.

P.S. If you have a practice, check out our friends at PtEverywhere. We switched to their software to run our cash practice and it’s been a game changer!